Grunt work never has and never will go away. It will always be there, no matter your role, it will exist, in different forms to be sure. Embrace it, learn from it, figure out how to automate it, and do something with it. From grunt work comes our great ideas for what we might work on next.

I’m a big fan of doing demos on the fly.  Fire up the compiler, and show people what you’ve done. They are meant to be exciting, exhilarating and the best forum in the world to get feedback on how you are doing. Whether you plan it or not, you should always show up ready to go.  If you aren’t ready to go, push it off, an hour, a day (no more than a day) but…

When we own something, it becomes a part of us and we want to see it succeed. It can be something as simple as a bug, a task, or any other kind of ticket. Until it’s in our name though, it’s just a thing that has to be done and anyone on the team can do it. But the moment your name gets added to it, now it’s yours, now it’s something. Now it can…

As easy as it would be, Sprint Capacity isn’t all about numbers.  The numbers are the foundation to build a capacity but they aren’t the entire story.  If you’re being asked to determine your team’s capacity, there are a number of factors you should be considering. Some factors I consider when looking at how I want to manage a sprint and what I think of when determining the capacity of the team; How many stories…