Every Software Team needs to have a Theme. Something that defines their existence, their purpose, and who they are. This Theme can morph and change as the team grows and develops. It might not be readily “seen” what the Theme is, you might not know where to start and if that’s the case, start with this year – What is your theme for your team for this year? What do you want them to accomplish?…

This is the general response when something isn’t going well, we blurt it out in a moment of frustration as we throw our hands up in the air. There is another response though, one that doesn’t get used often enough. Here, let me show you. We don’t say offer that enough, because it takes more time and energy.

The concept of sprints was never anything new. Don’t take on a lot of work, do in small bits so you can show progress and keep your work cycles short.  We then bundle it up with a bow by showing to the people who are paying us what it is that we’ve built, get feedback, make changes, and move forward. We’ve been living this life for years – it’s called a ToDo list – and every…

I fall down… a lot. No matter how much experience you have, how many GURU, EXPERT, ROCKSTAR titles you have, you will fall over. You won’t stick the landing every time. And who wants to do that.  I eschew the day where I stick the landing perfectly without even trying. Because than I’m no longer falling over, I’m just standing there, afraid to fall over.

Update Meetings are not the easiest. Whether you’re an attendee or a presenter, there is always something missing, it’s never what you want to hear (but perhaps someone else does) and there is always some critical piece of information “missing” that must be discussed today. But the greatest problem with Update Meetings is that they are scheduled, recurring and pre-ordained, so even when we don’t have an update, we have to get into a room…