Take a moment and think about what you are doing and why you are doing it. If it doesn’t make sense, don’t do it. If you can’t see it working out, don’t do it. Take a pause, tell people you are taking a pause. When we press pause on a show, it’s to go and do something, some other priority is nagging us (bathroom, food, talk to someone, etc) – we pause and go deal…

Plumbing connects destinations together in the most efficient manner possible. Roads are plumbing that connects cities. The wire is plumbing that connects the internet to our laptops. Wifi is the plumbing that connects routers to our phones. Want to make good software? Get the plumbing right, you never want your customers to be complaining about the plumbing, it should always “just work”.

The beauty of working on performance problems is that they are the simplest to measure – code still does what it was supposed to do before AND goes faster. WIN! The problem is, we always do this after the fact, after the customer reported it, after we deployed it to QA and it blew up.  After everything went wrong. We don’t do it before. And that’s where we need to start bundling the work into…

I’m pretty proud of what we’ve done with Remotely Prepared over the last two years.  We’ve spoken with more people than I ever thought we would and we’ve spun it into 4 amazing seasons of content around working remotely and getting the most out of your team. For the last few months, we’ve been talking about taking it in a different direction and now we are at that point.  Starting with our latest episode, we’ll…