If you have never watched the The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch then you need to take some time tonight and watch it. The video is not only a great message for how to achieve your childhood dreams but to keep achieving them as you get older. You don’t always get to where you thought you’d be, but there are lots of different paths you can go down to get somewhere, that can be just as rewarding. And it’s not just about your dreams, but those around you, what you can do to help them. I’ve watched this video about 3 or 4 times and each time I pick up something new.
The best point he makes throughout the video are “head fakes”, where people think you are doing one thing, but you’re really doing the other thing.
So here it is, the Rambli head-fake, I don’t write this blog to preach advice or give masterful insight that people should follow or adhere to . I’m not going to engage in comment wars over the validity of what I wrote. I don’t promote it outside of clicking “Publish”. I write it so I can keep my head on straight and figure out a better way to solve a problem I previously failed at, so I can outline how I would approach it going forward and perhaps what I should have done when I stepped back from it. It’s my long list of ideas to get better. The blog forces the process of sitting down, thinking it and putting it to screen.