
February 2016


Assume the evolution of Project Delivery as told by Lucy and Charlie Brown. Project Start The request for help in delivery of something special. Project Agreement Where all parties agree on the delivery of the project. Project Preparation Where all efforts are investing in delivering the project. Project Misstep Where, despite our best efforts, a piece of the project pie was missed resulting in a miss fire. Project Realization Where we have that “AHA” moment of…

I did a search the other night on software blogs and their recommendations. I was stunned by the results. Each list I came across had the same Top 5, spread throughout their Top 10. How, how can this be? How can all these different people have the same view on what we all should be thinking?  Please know I don’t mean any ill will towards these blogs and their writers, but the lists, that are…

I spend a lot of my day at a keyboard and computer – whether it’s writing code, reading emails, reviewing projects and spreadsheets, writing blogs etc – it’s all at a keyboard, in a chair in front of a monitor. I don’t mind.  But there is something that it doesn’t provide – something physical, something worn or dirty. I can write a story on my computer… OR I can open up my notebook and write, scratching…

What really are demos? D – Delivered E – Excitement M – Milestone O – Offering That’s right, it’s a point in time where a software team gets to Deliver a beautiful piece of software that they are so Excited to be working on as it symbolizes a huge Milestone in their delivery plan, Offering it up to their stakeholders and team to offer feedback and guidance on as to how they should proceed with the…

Oh I loathe this term – the Software Factory – where visions of a funnel that take in software requirements into a building where idle developers sit by twiddling their thumbs waiting for their next task to be assigned to them so that they work to deliver a piece of software. Factory not moving fast enough?  Add more developers, the more we add, the faster it should go. Except Software Delivery is not a factory and…