
May 2016


Okay, Congratulations. (Part of me thought of stopping the post right there for laughs) This statement invariably comes up from someone who is knee deep in their speciality and has started comparing themselves to the person they report to – their Team Lead, their Manager, their Director, etc, etc.  Wherein they start to think that they would be much better as the lead because they know their speciality so much better. This could be…

I loved these as a kid – PD Days – the extra day that would pop up here or there on your calendar, sometimes at the last minute giving you a whole extra day to sleep in, play lego, goof off, whatever. For those in Education – they stand for Professional Development Days – from Google. PD days in the school calendar recognized that teachers needed time during the school year to hone their skills, improve…

It’s not a tough question – Who do you report to? If you’re not in the position of lead, I would imagine you might say to your Team Lead or Manager – a perfectly acceptable choice. But if you are a Team Lead or Manager responsible for those on your team and you answered your Manager or Director… Then I would say you are wrong. A Great Lead reports to the people on their team,…

Perhaps you take the bus, walk or drive to work (kudos to all the bikers and runners out there) – either way we are all in search of the perfect route to work. That route might involve many things, beyond short distances; Avoiding Traffic by leaving early, staying late Where the local coffee shop is located Can I take the scenic route How many podcasts can I listen to on the way there Carpooling Whatever it…

For some reason, I thought when I sent my application into the inaugural altMBA program it was later in May – turns out it was much, much earlier than that. Wow time flies. So here is how it did start for me… And that was it, that was how it all started – I had no preconceptions what the course was, how it worked, what my grades would be (are there grades?  no there are…