
January 2017


The Connected Team isn’t the one with the latest tools that sync from phone to tablet to laptop in seconds. They aren’t the team that’s delivering on all of their sprints in rapid succession. They aren’t the team that sits side-by-side having lunch with each other each and every day of the week. These are all good things. But the Connected Team is the team that picks up where one leaves off, that understands the…

Very easy to make… Take one part knowledge. Two parts will. Four parts ability to grind. Three parts desire to fail and try, fail and try, fail and try again. One part Entrepreneurial know-how (adds some flavour, but okay if you don’t have to start) Seven parts positive outlook. Six parts humble pie. Mix together in a haphazard fashion, drink from a monster cup which is promptly slammed on the table when emptied dry and…

What if you know something hard to learn that your friend doesn’t know. What if your friend knows something hard to learn that you don’t know. And you both stared at each other in awe of the other person’s skill thinking “that is too hard I could never do that”. “I’ll never get the training amount approved.” “It’s not on my career path, no use trying something new.” “I haven’t done anything with that in…

In a Starbucks? At home? In a quiet corner of the office? In a busy mall? If you have the option to work remotely, wifi is everywhere (almost), why not work where you do your best thinking? And if it feels to be working with remotely on text, voice and conference calls instead of being there with them in person than the next question you have to ask yourself is… Why do we have all…

This is a very hard question to ask of yourself and of others. It generally arises when your motivation has dipped, the projects have lost their lustre and you feel you are doing more grinding and “going through the motions” than you should be. But you want to get better, you want to improve and you want to be there. So the question you have to ask yourself is whether you are too far gone.…