
January 2017


Too often we confuse the lofty goals of leadership with success and forget why we are really there. We don’t have all the answers. We don’t know which direction is best We don’t know what will happen next. With all those unknowns in front of you, it’s easy to feel worried, afraid and unsure of what happens next and how are we to “really help people”. And, it’s in those moments that you realize that you…

We often forget we do. We get into a routine or a cycle and we start to think – this is, I’m stuck, nowhere else to go – this is me forever, might as well strap in and enjoy the ride. But the option is always there to get off the ride, buy another ticket and start a new one. You always have an option and if you can’t see it, talk to a friend,…

Team growth is not about scaling out, it’s about scaling up. It’s about getting smarter, faster and better. It’s about raising your team’s game from where it is, to where you know it can be without trying to wring out blood from a stone (i.e., it’s not about extra hours). Before you post that next job posting to grow your team, ask yourself the following questions; Are we doing things as best as we can?…

It’s easy to lead when times are good. When revenue and profit margins aren’t just hitting your targets but exceeding them by leaps and bounds. When everyone on your team comes into work with the best attitudes, everything perfect at home, zero baggage coming into the office and being ready to do whatever needs to be done to deliver. But it’s also boring. There is no challenge. There is no drive. No push for change. No…