
November 2017


I’ve been interested in this term of Content Marketing for a bit – intrigued really. The term itself is pretty simple, it means the marketing of content written by other people, the promotion, and sharing of work via Social Media or some other function. If you are writing content, you should share other people’s as much as you share your own. This is a good way to give back to the community no doubt. But…

If you were to measure the amount of hacks shipping in the latest release of your product by the date they were created. You would probably see a hockey-stick style graph. Up until that moment, you’ve done everything right, laid the foundation, put in the effort, plowed through your grunt work – making gains all day every day. But now the end is in sight and everyone is getting excited or worried about what is…

Then how do you expect to work together? If you can’t trust the person beside you, in front of you or behind you to be there when you need them the most. Then how can you lead them? You can’t. You need to know that when you ask for their help they will be there for you, or when the workload is too heavy they will all chip in to help or when it comes…

I’d like to say it gets easier over time. Putting your everything into trying to make something happen and coming up spectacularly short. There is no well to go back to. No second chance. It’s one and done and you are done. You can console yourself by trying to analyze what you did wrong, what you would have done differently and ask yourself that question of when you will try again. But none of that…

If you know something today that you didn’t know yesterday – you did a Good Job. If you tried something new, fell on your face and want to get up tomorrow and try again – you are doing a Good Job. If your work is making people, think and question their approach – you are doing a Good Job. If your quiet actions are drowning out the deafening sounds of negativity – you are doing…