We still need Remote Leaders. Leaders that lay the foundation and groundwork for what everyone in the team needs to do; Show up on time and prepared. Let people know in advance when you are away. Chart the path between schedules. Minimize distractions and maintain focus and priority. Engage in meaningful growth and dialogue through One-On-Ones and Team Development. Ensure your team is getting the training you need. Being a remote leader is the hardest,…

All our spaces are changing. Where we work, where we live, what we do when we are there. They are changing into something different that enables us to define the area where we are at our best and most productive. And productivity is key to a workable space.  The bean bag chairs never did it for me unless I was using one app to do one thing where I could sit there and type. But…

Where companies struggle in their adoption of Agile is that they implement it within a small area of the company where they learn to do it really well.  They get good at it and they get into a rhythm of what they are doing. They have tweaked the idea of Agile to meet their needs and goals and they have a system that is working and moving products and code out the door. What they…

It should be testable. It should defend. It should be clear to understand. It should catch errors. If it is not the sole source of all the logging, it should provide valuable fragments that render what it logs usable. It should do what it is meant to do, not what we hope it to do

Yes, it does, there is bad code in the cloud, not all code, but a good amount. Because you can easily throw more “stuff” at it to make it more “elastic” and “spinning” up things makes it more performant. These tactics work in the short-term and get you out of a jam, but that’s all they are meant to be, if your code is performing badly, no amount of memory will ever make it run…