
August 2015


Ask someone when they are going to have something done and their immediate answer is going to be “In a sec”, “In a few minutes”, etc, etc. Translation – “I am so good I will have all my work done within 2 minutes and you will bow before my glory”. Perhaps not quite, but you get the idea, we want to impress someone with how fast you can get something done while ignoring how long it…

It is very easy to become entranced in the magic and mysticism of a new venture – whether it be a new startup or project.  We tend to focus on the carrot – what can we get and be if we are successful – and the carrot is always something of the physical variety. Listen to anyone speak on the topic when the offer is in front of them and 9/10 times (based on my own experience)…

I had this concept a number of years ago when I was starting out as a Software Manager and had to build a team from scratch of all new people and spent a lot of time thinking about what kind of people I wanted to have on my team.  There were some people I hired at the time that ran counter to some conventional wisdom and for the most part it all worked out in…

If you really do not want to become a great developer or team lead, avoid doing anything and everything on this list; Spend time learning and staying on top of new technologies. Join a local user group focussed around a specific platform for technology that allows you to network with your peers. Join groups on LinkedIn to stay abreast of industry trends. Setup Google Alerts to receive emails to your inbox focussed around certain technologies and trends. Watch…

From the movie Apollo 13 I don’t care what anything was designed to do. I care about what it can do. – Gene Kranz Achieving certifications, degrees, diplomas, etc take a considerable amount of time and effort and you should be congratulated (and/or congratulate those ) that have undertaken such an endeavour to push yourself further than others. But you/we need to avoid falling into the trap where we quote our qualifications and use that as…