
September 2016


There are products that had a stronger leg up to become a SLACK competitor or the SLACK. The had the foundation, the infrastructure, and the people to make it happen. But if you look at many of these applications, they were either; High-Investment – trying it out wasn’t an easy sell, you needed to invest time and money to make it happens. Closed Loops – Download software, have a big crazy profile of useless information…

Two years ago when I went to rebuild my computer I would do the following; Backup all my personal files to a drive. Gather all my installs that I had download and put them on a drive. Get all bookmarks and favourites together so I wouldn’t lose them. Grab my mail files Format PC. Fiddled around with my drivers. Restore all that I backed up. Here is what I did a few weeks ago when…

Quick Win – you make decisions today based on what you want to achieve today based on the mistakes you made yesterday.  Your focus is narrow and you’re looking at the impact as it affects you today.  Quick Wins involve sacrifices and shortcuts on their path to success. Long Run – you make decisions today, for tomorrow and the tomorrow after that, but your focus is significantly expanded to include the impact from today as…

Have you ever encountered that point in your project where it is simply dragging… maybe for a good reason, maybe for bad… but it’s dragging… on… and on… and on… And it’s at the point where people are starting to go through the motions of working on it instead of being really invested in it. If this sounds like a project you’re on, then your project needs a Kickstart to breathe life back into it……