
November 2016


Remember the reason why you were not willing to switch from your Blackberry to the new iPhone or Android phone years ago? Remember the reason you kept holding on until the very end because you thought you’d be getting all those new goodies that the next generation of smartphones had? Take a second and think about it – what was really holding you back. Now take a look at your phone du jour – iPhone…

I was asked to write something on Tuesday about the Election in the US so here is what I came up with. I apologize for the spelling mistakes/grammar as I was working up against a deadline (that’s new and fun) to get it done. Even reading it a week later, the sentiment and emotion still rings true as I think many that are directly and indirectly seek to move forward.  And reading again, it’s not just…

Ever watch an athlete hit their stride in their game? No matter what they do, they can’t be stopped – need 2 more goals, here are 3, behind by 4, let me give you 6 for good measure. No matter what the other team does, they simply cannot stop that person’s stride, motion, and overall inertia. They are being driven by a force we don’t know and can’t control (nor should we ever attempt to).…

Otherwise Known As – Math that always works in our favor and/or benefit. Sometimes called “Happy Scenario Math” where we look at the best possible outcome and build everything around the achievement of that outcome. The problem with Justifiable Math is that it is always skewed in our favor, towards our results, towards our best outcomes while avoiding the criteria which swings it a little more in the other direction, towards where we really need…

Ever sat beside someone and listen to them go off on a particular topic for 15 minutes and then nonchalantly ask them “Now tell me what you really think”. It’s part Tongue in Cheek in that they have already told you everything but part deeper analysis. You’ve told me all the little things that are bugging you – but now tell me the root cause – now that you’ve gotten it out of your system,…