
December 2016


Video games do this very well – they show you what you can achieve if you keep playing, 3 or 4 levels down the line from where you currently are. Forget the time investment to get there – they give you a taste of what extra goodies you can get. They hook you before you are even there. When listening to speakers or presenters that you really like – what is there hook? You won’t…

I am convinced that the moment when we start to grow by leaps and bounds is the moment when we are thrown out of our comfort zone. When we are presented with a new challenge that we never saw coming our way that excites and scares us at the same time. When the level of effort is unknown because it is something so new that it cannot. When we don’t know what to do, what…

You know what is holding you in. You know what is holding you back. You know you are bigger than this box that you are playing in. You know you are ready to achieve and deliver in ways you only dream of now. So if you know all this, what are you doing to do to tear those barriers down and become the success you know you can be?

I had the opportunity to speak to a class on #OneHourOfCode and had a great time presenting. My presentation for this event is located here and a larger LinkedIn post is located here. This is a great initiative and a great way to continue fostering the growth and spirit of coding.

Remember the buzz around Call to Action – everything must end with a call for people to take action, to do something, to become something, to make it happen? But it’s not a call – it’s something more.   We can all watch a presentation and follow-up with the call to action to go talk to 10 people on our team and ask them how their day was and how they are feeling or reach…