
June 2017


Forget the stats. Forget the followers. Forget the connections. Forget the likes. Forget the dislikes. All these metrics were happening long before social media and we found a way to ignore the daily churn and not get hung up on them.  This isn’t to say you should treat those that have connected and follow you as numbers that grow your network but instead think of them in the context of the real world. When you are…

That’s right, the restraint, the barrier, the handcuffs, the weight, the rock holding you down. We don’t ship because it’s not perfect. We don’t finish writing because it’s not perfect. We don’t start building that new shed because it won’t be perfect. We don’t try something new because it won’t be perfect. We don’t push ourselves to the edge because the result will not be perfect. We don’t because IT won’t be perfect. Instead of…

As Developers, there is an all-too familiar trap where we start to become really good at what we do. We start to become really, really good programmers. And with that, we start to code less, because we want to put more effort into design to making sure our code is perfect and beautiful and adapting and pristine and self-healing and and and… So we do more design, then we code, then we write tests, lots…

Too much on your plate? Too many things that need to get done today or tomorrow? Not enough hours in the day? You have two options… Eliminate the waste – the projects, the activities that aren’t helping you but are distracting you from what you really want to be doing – the 5 hour nightly show binges that never end but keep you coming back for more because they are easy and give you an excuse…

We have this constant, inherent fear that we are always falling behind. That we will never get ahead. That we have forgotten so much or been out of the game for so long that we cannot get back into it. That we cannot change who we are because this is the way we have been forever. That no matter what we do, it will not work out and we will once again be further behind. The…