
May 2016


First thing to do when you start a company – get a logo. Why? Do you have a product to sell? Do you have business cards to put it on? Where is your letter head? Is there a sign over the door that you can put it on? Are the t-shirts coming next week and you need it now? Are you about to tatoo it onto your back? Do you have an invoice that needs your…

Almost a year ago, I did a Slideshare presentation on How to Build a Great Team.  This is the follow-up to that presentation with The Villains of a Great Team which includes the familiar comic book slant as included in How to Build a Great Team but focussed around what character traits you need to watch for so they don’t take over and dominate your team as well as how to eliminate from your team dynamic.

You know what I miss, I miss the late night customer call that everything is broken  and we need to fix it – code or configuration – it doesn’t matter. Okay I lie, I only partially miss this because I know all the pain and stress that goes along with it where a late night hotfix is never 5 minutes and always a long night of hours followed by showing up the next day. And…

It’s interesting to see the aftermath of a mistake. Someone says something wrong, well they are going to do it again so let’s write them off. Someone didn’t approach the problem in the way you would have and it went sideways, not doing that again. Someone tried beyond their hardest, went too far and well we wouldn’t want that person to try again now would we. Someone was already overloaded with everything else on their plate and…

You know all that great code you wrote last night when you were “in the zone”?  Or all those spreadsheets and budget files you’ve been working on for the past few weeks that amount to not an hour, but hours and hours, almost full days of work? Still not feeling it? Take something really important from your current device of choice – your computer, laptop, phone, whatever – the most important thing you can think of…