
February 2017


When starting something new, the immediate desire is sustenance – make enough money to then be able to focus on what you REALLY want or need to do. In short, start off being everything to everyone, in order to stabilize and grow, in essence – go horizontal across all markets. This is fine, as long as you are honest with yourself about the timeline and investment to operate that way. Is it 6 months, 2 years,…

Have you ever bought a shirt that fit you and given it to someone else who was either smaller or larger than you? Didn’t fit, did it? What about following a development pattern that lays out how to build user interfaces on the web while you are building a desktop application? Probably didn’t fit either, all good ideas, all software, but the fit isn’t there. What about using a new software methodology? Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Lake, River…

Don’t have one?  Start small. Don’t do 2 hours at the gym every day, do 10 minutes at home or at the office. But do it consistently. Not eating properly? Don’t go vegan overnight, start eating more fruit each day. Don’t feel you are being challenged at work? Spend some $$$ and invest in yourself or cheaper yet, go read any one of the million of blogs out there. As we grow older, we embrace…

If you were trapped with a few people in a room that had no windows or light coming into it, simply pure darkness, would it matter whose title was what? Would it make a difference? After all, no one can see, no one knows where the exit is, all you can do is talk and listen to one another. Talk and Listen. If that’s all you could do, then you’d probably start to figure out…

When you go to fill the kettle up do you… Put in enough for merely your cup of tea – in and out as quick as possible? Or, fill it up all the way, someone else will use it and now they won’t have to wait for the water to boil. What’s the difference? One is focused on the user, the other is focused on the team. The better question is which one you would…