
December 2017


If you are responsible for another person or person(s) on a particular task – you are a Leader (congratulations). There does not need to be a distinction between coordinator, manager, leader, chief of this or president of that. You are a Leader. So take a second, think about what direction you want this group of people to go in and take them there. Not sure what the first step is to make that happen? It’s…

Not sure why, but it drives me nuts. Maybe it harkens back to the factory floor where someone is required to come in day after day to accomplish a certain task. They do that task and that’s all they do. We live in a multitude of economies now – connected, community, shared, creative – (the list goes on and on). We have different types of sales, marketing and development to round things out. But we…

Words like Sustainable, Stable and Consistent have been switched out in favour of words like Disruption, Immediate and Catalyst. Ask anyone starting a new company as to which ones they want to be associated with and they will immediately state the latter. Ask anyone 3 – 4 years into running a company what words they value more and they’d say the former. The truth is you need them all. If you are constantly disrupting the…

Organic – happens over time, naturally, by Evolution. Provided – happens immediately, when required, by Injection. Neither is right or wrong or better than the other. One might better align with how you work and want to grow than the other. The question you need to ask yourself, taking into account you, your team, cofounders, market, competitive landscape and product implementation are what will be sustainable over the life of your company and what will…